A 6-year-old boy came to our clinic with hyperactivity disorder, headaches, and light sensitivity. He was suffering from mood swings, including bursts of anger. In his first year of school, he attempted to run out of the classroom over 200 times. He had become so disruptive that his school wanted to place him in a different classroom setting.
Due to his extreme hyperactivity, getting him to stay still long enough to get an accurate measurement of his body presented a challenge. After some persistence and creative game play from his therapist we discovered a leg length inequality and significant cranial distortions.
After being placed in a 4 mm lift, and receiving mobilizations to C1-C2, and cranial work his behavior significantly improved. Today he is reading at an advanced level and his teachers report his behavior is excellent.
This amazing boy now loves to come in to the clinic and we love to see him. He and his therapist have bonded and spend much of their time discussing Pokémon on his follow up appointments. He is holding up one of his favorite characters in the picture below.
Helping kids like this is incredibly rewarding and is a great reminder that if the body is not functioning the way it should it is VERY important to take a look at the structure.
